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The 3 R's


In Lurgan Junior High School, we hold the three R's central to all aspects of both educational and personal development:


  • Respect for self and others

  • Responsibility for your belongings, appearance and actions

  • Resilience to cope with challenges and when things don’t go as planned or hoped


The Conduct Card


In the corridor we will have the Conduct Card to promote pupils taking pride and responsibility for their behaviour and their appearance.



Pupils will receive a signing if they are not wearing their uniform correctly:


  • top button done

  • tie showing 3 ‘R’s fully

  • shirt/blouse tucked in

  • black leather shoes (Reminder: black trainers are NOT permitted)

  • no hoodies

  • no make-up / false nails / nail polish

  • no jewellery




In the corridors pupils should:


  • walk quietly on the left hand side

  • use the one way system correctly

  • refrain from shouting, running or making physical contact with another pupil

  • line up quietly in single file, facing forward outside your classroom

  • keep phones switched off and in blazers  


If a pupil is not following the above behaviours a teacher will ask for their card and will sign and date it in the next empty square. Once a pupil has three squares signed, they will be issued with an After School Detention by their Form Teacher.


​Pupils can also earn Achievment Points in the corridor by picking up litter and helping others.

Mobile Phones


We have a 'no phones' policy in place. Pupils must turn mobile phones off as soon as they enter the school building in the morning and must keep it in their blazer pockets until they leave the school building at the end of the day.




At each half term and end of term, any pupils who have no behaviour points and no signings on their Conduct Card will be given a reward!


This December, over 300 pupils with no signings enjoyed a Cinema afternoon in the Junior Assembly Hall with Tuck Shop treats!

Overall Routines Video

Powerpoint on Conduct

View Here >

Pupil & Parent Contract

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