Show My Homework
What is Show My Homework?
Download the App on any mobile or tablet device! Get notifications and reminders of what homework is due or when a new homework is set.
Features of Show My Homework
Improve your organisation with your very own To-Do list. Mark off homework when you complete it.
View the details of your homework online. Download attached worksheets or help sheets. Even if you miss a day of school, you can easily catch up from home!
You can view your marks instantly as they are submitted online. You can also view feedback from your teacher.
Show My Home Work (SMHW), a software package provided by the company Satchel, is a key part of our learning and teaching policy in school. We have used this system for several years now instead of the homework diary pupils have been used to in Primary School. The advantages are that it increases home – school communication as both parents AND pupils can see the work being set and messages from teachers. Also, teachers can attach information used in class or provide links to websites within the messages. No-one can ever forget their homework as the pupils and their parents get notifications of hand-in dates! Even forgetting log-in details is not an issue; these can easily be reset, with help from the Form Teacher.
Feedback from pupils and parents has been excellent – they enjoy the system and find it easy to use. We are sure you will too, once you have started using it yourselves.
For more information, please view the links at Team Satchel below.
Message from Lurgan JHS Curriculum Team
Parents can download the App or access Show My Homework online with their very own login. This allows parents to keep track and monitor homework, marks and feedback.
“I love the SMHW app”
“I find the show my homework app very useful in keeping up to date with what is with my child’s schoolwork.”
“The SMHW App is excellent and a great way of ensuring work is completed to a high standard and that revision etc is being done.”
Benefits For Parents & Parents' Feedback
"I love Show My Homework! It's a way to use your planner/homework diary but without carrying it about or worrying about losing it. It's great because you can see what homework you still have to complete and what homework you have already done and it gives you alerts when you need to complete a homework. It's a great app and i think every school should use it!"
"Show My Homework is great! It means I can see what I have coming in the week ahead and it gives me the details so I am not trying to rush and put it in my diary. I also really like that you can message questions to the teacher about the homework. I think it's brilliant!"
Feedback From Our Pupils