Your Teachers
In addition to the School Principal, and the Vice-Principals, Lurgan JHS has 48 teachers.
1. Your Subject Teachers:
You will have a different teacher from each separate subject. This means about 16 teachers in total.
2. Form Teachers and Year Heads
The most important staff member in Lurgan JHS will be your Form Teacher.
Your Form Teacher will:
be your key adult when in school and you should see them every day whether in your form room or in assembly;
seek to develop a positive relationship with each member of the class;
will promote positive behaviour rewarding and sanctioning pupils when necessary;
highlight to pupils, during form time, any achievements or sanctions received through SIMS as part of their monitoring of behaviour and attitude. This information can help motivate pupils and be used to keep parents informed about pupil progress;
seek to find out about the achievements and successes of their class both in and out of school and regularly place information/photos in Celebration Assemblies;
be in contact with parents, Year Heads and senior staff if there are any reoccurring issues within the class, and will keep records of interventions, strategies and outcomes.
Year Heads will:
develop positive relationships with their year group;
monitor the behaviour and progress of pupils;
provide support for pupils who display extreme or persistent behavioural issues, sustained lack of progress and/or concerns re social and emotional well-being;
engage with parents of pupils concerning these matters;
support and guide Form Teachers in their role.
Additional Pastoral Support
Additional pastoral support is provided by Mrs Kerr (Pastoral VP), Mr Lunn (Pastoral Senior Teacher) and members of our School Improvement Leadership Team. School is supported by many external agencies. Our most visible in school are REACH Mentoring, Aspire NI and Links Counselling.