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Youth Annexe

Lurgan Youth Annexe is an Education Authority Youth Centre situated at Lurgan Junior High School. The Youth Annexe is managed by the full-time Youth Worker who has responsibility for its daily operations and financial administration. Part-time staff and volunteers assist in the planning and facilitation of programmes for pupils in Lurgan JHS and for other young people aged 8+ who reside in South Lurgan. The Annexe is a safe place for young people where they can develop positive relationships and receive support from a dedicated team of staff and volunteers. 

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The Youth Annexe’s vision is to “inspire children and young people in south Lurgan to fulfil their potential”. By offering support to children in Lurgan JHS and young people across the geographical area, it provides staff and volunteers with increased opportunities to build strong and meaningful relationships based on trust and acceptance. Programmes that Lurgan JHS can avail of include: Sept 2019-June 2020 Senior Youth Club/Detached Youth work (Yr 8+) -Tuesday 6.30pm -9.00pm Extended Provision (Yr8+) Wednesdays 3-6pm, Fridays 4-7pm and 7-10pm, Sunday 3-6pm and 6-9pm Dates for the Summer Scheme are published on the Youth Annexe and LJHS Facebook Pages at the beginning of the Spring term. The annual Summer Scheme, which takes place at the beginning of July, provides young people with a range of fun activities which promotes learning and participation. One of the main highlights of the summer programme in 2019 was the ’New Beginnings’ residential in Shannaghmore - aimed at supporting pupils moving from primary to post-primary education. The pupils’ participation in the project encourage them to develop new relationships and explore some of the changes they may face in a new school setting. Other projects offered by The Youth Annexe include: Outdoor Pursuits, ‘Aiming High’ Awards, Cultural Identity, Summer Scheme, Dance/Drama, Arts and Crafts and residential teambuilding experiences. The Youth Annexe staff and volunteer team work to develop positive and meaningful relationships with the Lurgan JHS pupils when they meet weekly.

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