
Languages Department Staff
Mrs R Miskelly (Head of Department)
Mrs R Kerr
Mrs U O’Reilly
Mrs R Wright
Miss G Robinson
Why Study Modern Languages?
Knowledge of a foreign language is not just another GCSE grade – it is a concrete and demonstrable life skill, like being able to drive a car or touch-type, and it is a skill highly valued by employers. Learning how to interact with speakers of other languages means you are less likely to be stuck in one mode of thinking. It can help you see things from a range of perspectives, develop your problem-solving skills, and make you more adaptable, resourceful and creative.
"I enjoy Spanish because we play lots of games together that help us remember a new language."
"German is so different and it feels good to be able to speak an unusal language."
"French is fun because you do activities like writing about your Role Models and play lots of fun games that use the French language."
KS3 French Course Details
Year 8 Knowledge
Meeting and greeting people.
French Alphabet
Ages, birthdays, days, months & seasons
Describing what is in your school bag and classroom
Family and animals
Describing where you and others live
Ordering in a café
Nationalities and countries
Year 9 Knowledge
Likes and dislikes
Describing self and others
Understanding adjectival agreement
School subjects, timetable, time, school day
Asking questions
Agreeing and disagreeing
Typical school day lunchtime food and drink
Computers and mobiles
Sports, hobbies, opinions and reasons
Using the present tense
Year 10 Knowledge
Saying what you like doing
Using aimer + the infinitive
Describing what other people do
Talking about your town/village
Using il y a …/il n’y a pas de…
Giving directions
Understanding when to use tu and vous
Talking about where you go
Asking someone to go somewhere
Saying what you can do in town
Talking about your holidays
Talking about getting ready to go out
Using reflexive verbs
Buying drinks & snacks
Using higher numbers
Talking about holiday plans
Using the near future tense
Saying what you would like to do
Using je veux/on peut/je voudrais + the infinitive
KS3 Spanish Course Details
Year 9 Knowledge
Introducing yourself
Talking about personality
Talking about age, brothers and sisters
Using the verb tener (to have)
Numbers & alphabet
Adjectival agreement
Sports & hobbies
Giving opinions using me gusta + infinitive
Using -ar verbs in the present tense
Using cuando (when)
Using hacer (to do) and jugar (to play)
Saying what subjects you study
Opinions of school subjects
Describing your school
Talking about break time
Year 10 Knowledge
Describing your family
Using possessive adjectives
Describing hair and eyes
Using the verbs ser and tener
Saying what people look like
Using the verb estar (to be)
Describing your town or village
Telling the time
Using the verb ir (to go)
Ordering in a café
Using the verb querer (to want)
Saying what you are going to do at the weekend
Using the near future tense
“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”
– Frank Smith

Career Options
Two-thirds of Modern Languages graduates enter employment within six months of graduating. The skills acquired from studying Modern Languages are transferable to a wide variety of Career pathways. Some of which are:
Marketing Executive
Diplomatic Service
Travel & Tourism
Charities and Voluntary work
Personnel and HR Management