
Maths Department Staff
Mrs J Alexander (Head of Department)
Miss D Osborne
Mrs C Patton
Mrs R McDermott
Mrs L Harvey
Mr J Black
Mr J Guy
Why Study Maths?
Mathematics is important for pupils in many other areas of study, in everyday living, in many forms of employment and in public decision making. It affects every aspect of our lives: computers, phone tariffs, wages, journey times etc. In order to function effectively in modern society, it is essential that everyone is competent and confident with Mathematics. LJHS Maths department’s vision is to provide pupils with the mathematical skills necessary for modern life. Through engagement with issues which have current and future relevance to young people, teachers can instil in them an enthusiasm for and enjoyment of Mathematics and help pupils see the relevance of mathematics and financial capability to real life.
"Maths is challenging and puts your brain to the test. That's why i really enjoy it!"
"I love Maths because i find it really fun and intersting to do."
"I like studying Maths because i enjoy solving puzzles, testing myself and pushing myself to do the harder tasks."
KS3 Maths Course Details
Years 8-10 the pupils have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding in the following areas:
Shape, Space and Measures
Handling Data
Year 8 Knowledge
Topic 1: Whole Number/Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Topic 2: Sequences
Topic 3: Simplifying Expressions
Topic 4: Equations
Topic 5: Statistics
Topic 6: Fractions Decimals and Percentages
Topic 7: Measures Perimeter and Area
Topic 8: Angles and 2D Shapes
Topic 9: Transformations and Symmetry
Year 9 Knowledge
Topic 1: Whole numbers and Decimals
Topic 2: Fractions Decimals and Percentages
Topic 3: Algebra - Solving Equations
Topic 4: Formula
Topic 5: Graphs including Distance Speed and Time
Topic 6: Ratio and Proportion
Topic 7: Probability
Topic 8: Inequalities
Topic 9: 3-D Shapes and Transformations
Year 10 Knowledge
Topic 1: Fractions Decimals and Percentages, Compound Interest
Topic 2: Algebra- Equations and Trial and Improvement
Topic 3: Pythagoras
Topic 4: Sequences
Topic 5: Ratio
Topic 6: Graphs including Scatter Graphs
Topic 7: Distance Speed Time revision
Topic 8: Simultaneous Equations
Topic 9: Circles
Topic 10: Standard Form
Topic 11: Financial Capabilities
“The only way you learn Mathematics is to do Mathematics.”
– Paul Halmos

Career Options
People with Maths degrees can progress to a range of careers: accounting, medicine, engineering, forensic pathology, finance, business, consultancy, teaching, IT, games development, scientific research, programming, the civil service, design, construction and astrophysics to name a few. Specific job roles include actuary, business analyst, software engineer, technology analyst, information engineer, speech technology researcher, and maths teacher.