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Celebrating our Heroes for Heroes' Day, 2019!

Congratulations to the winner of HEROES’ DAY 2019 – Harvey, 8B1.

Harvey dressed as his Dad, who is a Joiner by trade. He chose his Dad as his Hero because his Dad was very ill and fought back to full health after this illness. Well done to Harvey!

Also pictured are the other finalists – each one chosen to represent their class in the Heroes’ Day final along with a selection of the best dressed with Mrs Roberta McNally, the chairperson of the Royal British Legion, Lurgan.

A brilliant effort was made by all our Yr8 pupils! Thank you for your efforts!


Lurgan Junior High School

Lurgan Junior High School, Lower Toberhewny Lane, Gilford Road. Lurgan, Co. Armagh, BT66 8SU

Tel: (028) 3832 3243


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