Religious Education

Religious Education Department Staff
Mrs L Dougan (Head of Department)
Miss J Lyness
Mr M Jess
Miss SJ Loney
Why Study RE?
The study of RE gives all pupils opportunities to develop and explore their personal understanding of what they believe and enhance their spiritual and ethical awareness within the school ethos of tolerance and respect.
At Key Stage 3 the focus is on the Revelation of God, the Christian Church, Morality and World Religions, which are adapted to suit our pupils' needs and linked to modern issues in an ever-changing and diverse world.
Pupils learn to develop freedom of expression and are encouraged to formulate their views on many of the BIG questions in life. Through both written and verbal forms pupils develop their own opinions, while accepting that others from different backgrounds may have different views and beliefs, but also many similarities.
Through the study of R.E., our students develop an understanding of the importance of tolerance, respect and inclusion in a diverse and multicultural society.
"I love R.E. because we are always doing fun activities and we told lots of interesting stories about the past and today."
"I like R.E. because you get to discuss a lot of topics and express your opinions."
"R.E. teaches us that everyone is different and it's OK to be different. 'Respect' is what's important."
KS3 Religious Education Course Details
Year 8 Knowledge
Unit 1 - What is RE? & World Religions
Unit 2 - The Bible
Unit 3 - A Christian Hero - Corrie Ten Boom
Unit 4 - Discovering Jesus Land
Year 9 Knowledge
Unit 1 - The Miracles of Jesus - Nature - Healing - Life
Unit 2 - The Parables of Jesus - The Lost Son + Child Soldiers - Good Samaritan + Forgiveness
Unit 3 - Prayer + Forgiveness
Year 10 Knowledge
Last Week in the Life of Jesus
Worship through the Tabernacle.
The Promised Messiah
The Passover
Palm Sunday
Judas Iscariot
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
– Luke 6 v 31, NIV Bible

Career Options
Studying Religious Education can lead to various careers such as:
Church Leader - BA in Theology or Divinity
Social Worker.
Youth & Children’s Worker.
Advice worker.
Charity officer.
Civil Service Administrator.
Community Development worker.
Editorial Assistant.
Newspaper Journalist.