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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs (SEN)


What is SEN?

In the 1996 Education Order, a child is described as having special educational needs (SEN) if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than other children which calls for special educational provision to be made for them, that is additional to or otherwise different from that which children of a similar age receive in an ordinary school.

When a child is identified as having a SEN need they will be placed on the SEN Code of Practice, usually starting at stage 1.

 Stage 1 

Following discussion with the child and parent/carer a PLP- Personal Learning Plan - will be created with specific targets for the young person to work towards. This will be reviewed annually and progress against the targets monitored. 


 Stage 1 is School Delivered Special Educational Provision 

 Stage 2 

If no progress is made by the child following Stage 1, the school may apply for external educational provision to be implemented by the EA from one of the EA Pupil Support Services or a service from a Health and Social Care Trust. 


 Stage 2 is School Delivered Educational Provision plus external educational provision being provided by the EA. 

 Stage 3 

A child at Stage 3 will be in receipt of a Statement of Special Educational following a statutory assessment and will be receiving special educational provision as set out in the Statement.  

SEN Department

While the first person to contact about any pupil in school is their Form Teacher, the Form Teacher may in turn, contact the SENCO on your behalf to seek advice.

Miss D Osborne              Senior Teacher Curriculum and SENCO                          

Mr K Lunn                      Senior Teacher Pastoral and SENCO

Mrs L Todd                     SEN secretary

Mrs A Black                    Classroom Assistant

Miss C Grant                  Classroom Assistant

Miss J Mailey                  Classroom Assistant

Mrs E Zukowska            Classroom Assistant


Past Pupils supported by the SEN Department

- coming soon.


Lurgan Junior High School

Lurgan Junior High School, Lower Toberhewny Lane, Gilford Road. Lurgan, Co. Armagh, BT66 8SU

Tel: (028) 3832 3243


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