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House System

Rationale for the Lurgan JHS House System

In Lurgan Junior High School we use our House System to foster healthy competition between students, develop roles and responsibilities, and support our pastoral care structure.

Pastoral Care

  • To help students settle in during their first year of secondary schooling, the house system fosters community. It allows younger pupils to mix with older students for whom social integration is of greater concern than the academic challenge.

Healthy Competition

  • Competition teaches children how to be magnanimous in victory and gracious in defeat. It also teaches children how to work together as part of a team. It motivates and teaches children a very important lesson: If you don’t care about winning, how will you learn to accept defeat?

Develops Roles & Responsibilities


  • The House System affords Leadership roles through the appointments of Captains, Vice-Captains and Team Captains.

The Structure Of The Lurgan JHS System

Every pupil during term 1 in year 8 is placed into one of our 4 houses:



House System



Each House traditionally has a male and female House Captain and four vice captains. They will be responsible for organising teams and events. They have earned their position during their first two years in Lurgan JHS as responsible students that give much to extra-curricular activities.














Competitions within the Lurgan JHS House System

Every department in Lurgan JHS strives to get involved in organising competitions for our House System. As well as many sporting events, there is also drama, music, a bake off and many more. More recently, we introduced ‘attendance’ and ‘conduct’ as House competitions. This truly means that every single student in Lurgan JHS contributes to the House System.

There are 2 trophies to play for:

The House Shield – Sports competitions only

The House Cup – All competitions


Lurgan Junior High School

Lurgan Junior High School, Lower Toberhewny Lane, Gilford Road. Lurgan, Co. Armagh, BT66 8SU

Tel: (028) 3832 3243


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